I know Lindsay won’t read this, but here we go.
When she was the Nostalgia Chick, I liked her content and enjoyed getting a female view of pop culture. She was smart, entertaining, and cute. Around the time of GamerGate and the rise of Feminist Frequency was when I noticed the change in her views and I started to become indifferent to her.
I almost feel bad for her. After she was canceled earlier this year for nothing, she never got over it. It festered, and she lost interest in creating videos again. The reason I almost feel bad for is that she believed she was on the “right side” of the Internet and group. She spent hours on the Internet calling out the Gamergaters and “diet Nazis”. She even canceled and embarrassed a few thirsty neckbeards like Quinton Reviews and Movie Bob. Like many people from my generation, Internet brownie points on Twitter meant more to her than creating content.
That one tweet about some movie got her canceled by the breadtubers and the far-left, the people she thought were on her side. It was no longer the conservatives or “diet Nazis” that attacked her. It was her allies she bent over backward to support. Yet, they still attacked and canceled her. Her whole worldview was shattered that day. She realized she was the villain, and the community turned on her. Plus, everyone that she pissed off over the years came out of the woodwork. Look at the fear on her face when she talks about being canceled in this interview.
I still find it fitting that she did a TED Talk-like speech about the alt-right attacking her, and it was her own people that kicked her off the Internet. This is crazy.
While she and I view the world from different points, I don’t think she should leave the Internet or her YouTube channel. Lindsey, you’re nearing 40 and Twitter shouldn’t matter. You are a professional writer and video producer, so you don’t need social media to flex or feel important. F’ what Twitter thinks of you. Don’t leave the Internet, just have your own thoughts and beliefs. Just do your own thing.