Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Lindsay Ellis Quits YouTube & Twitter: Don't let the blue-checkmarks win, Lindsay.

I know Lindsay won’t read this, but here we go.  

When she was the Nostalgia Chick, I liked her content and enjoyed getting a female view of pop culture.  She was smart, entertaining, and cute.  Around the time of GamerGate and the rise of Feminist Frequency was when I noticed the change in her views and I started to become indifferent to her.  

I almost feel bad for her.  After she was canceled earlier this year for nothing, she never got over it.  It festered, and she lost interest in creating videos again.  The reason I almost feel bad for is that she believed she was on the “right side” of the Internet and group.  She spent hours on the Internet calling out the Gamergaters and “diet Nazis”.  She even canceled and embarrassed a few thirsty neckbeards like Quinton Reviews and Movie Bob.  Like many people from my generation, Internet brownie points on Twitter meant more to her than creating content.  

That one tweet about some movie got her canceled by the breadtubers and the far-left, the people she thought were on her side.  It was no longer the conservatives or “diet Nazis” that attacked her.  It was her allies she bent over backward to support.  Yet, they still attacked and canceled her.  Her whole worldview was shattered that day.  She realized she was the villain, and the community turned on her.  Plus, everyone that she pissed off over the years came out of the woodwork.  Look at the fear on her face when she talks about being canceled in this interview.  

I still find it fitting that she did a TED Talk-like speech about the alt-right attacking her, and it was her own people that kicked her off the Internet.  This is crazy.  

While she and I view the world from different points, I don’t think she should leave the Internet or her YouTube channel.  Lindsey, you’re nearing 40 and Twitter shouldn’t matter.  You are a professional writer and video producer, so you don’t need social media to flex or feel important.  F’ what Twitter thinks of you. Don’t leave the Internet, just have your own thoughts and beliefs.  Just do your own thing. 

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

ultimate warrior comic book revisted


The OSW guys did a review of the entire Ultimate Warrior comic book series.  Warrior did 4 ½ comic books based very loosely on himself…sort of.  It was one of those crossover brands that both comic and wrestling fans dislike and mock all the time.  Even I made fun of it years ago on this very blog.  It was a story made up of the mind of a guy with a bigger ego than his muscles.  Even though Warrior created the comic book during the Image/artist craze of the late 90s, it came across as being bad and out of touch.  Though, the art does have a Rob Liefeld look to it.   

Yes, this was the comic book series where Warrior boozed and raped Santa Claus.  I am not making this shit up.   

That ain't beer running down his side. Damn, it. WTF?


For shits and giggles, please read the Amazon reviews for his masterpiece…of shit.  For all the reasons to hate the Ultimate Warrior, he does have a very cool and nice family.  It appears his wife is a pleasant person and his daughters are very talented people.  BTW, his wife and daughter have the last name “Warrior”.  BTW, they are grown now.   

Nick Fuentes Talks About How He's Not Into The Ladies. Yep, it does seem odd.

I’ve never really cared or bothered to listen to Nick Fuentes because I don’t like white nationalists, but I had no idea this guy was meek and dandy.  Why is it that many of the most outspoken far-right podcasters have questionable sexuality?  

Why do I get the feeling that women aren’t interested in Nick, and Nick really isn’t interested in women either?  He’s that guy that is happier hanging out with manly dudes at a party than trying to spit game at the cute chick.  He ain’t hanging out the Trump tramps and wants to really hang out with the MAGA boys.  It is okay to come out of the damn closet, Nick.  Damn. 

Monday, December 27, 2021

Alex Jones is a gay frog...

I am not sure what is Alex Jones’ endgame here.  He latches himself on the Trump train long ago, but now he is turning on him because of the Covid stuff.  It just seems odd, that is the breaking point. 

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Top 10 Worst DSPGaming 2021 Moments: About that WWE game...

We now have nearly 95% proof that DSP is spending thousands of dollars on a pay-to-play WWE cellphone game.  I hate the fact that his fanbase refuses to face reality and keeps dumping money on him.  Your Snort King has an addiction problem, and you all are feeding him.  

What is really revealing is that DSP is in such an unloving and disconnected marriage.  If your spouse has a gambling addiction, wouldn’t you want to intervene before he throws you both out of the house being broke?  Something tells me she spends her own money and doesn’t bother much else.  It is an odd relationship.  

BTW, why are you spending so much at PetSmart and the booze store, DSP?  The man needs an intervention, and he needs it quick. 

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Stephen GC Coates Twitter Likes

Stephen GC likes…stuff

As I mentioned before, Mr. Thought Crime doesn’t like people talking about him or using his music.  He abuses the flag and copyright system because he is butt-hurt, pun intended, and people say mean things about him.  Bitch, you showed up to a sting house with your shitty CD for a teenage girl. 

Sadly, Mr. Thought Crimes likes the big booties, just like me.  I think we differ on age, though.   I did look at his boring ass Twitter page, and it is mostly stupid political memes and likes.  Likewise, I couldn’t scroll through the rest without rolling my eyes.  Good on Skip Tracers for finding those strange likes.  

Given that Stephen reads and hears everything about himself, did he remove the likes now?  

I beg of you. 

Hot Soup Thrower" Soup sounds like poop

Soup Thrower:  Karen’s must Karen

Why in the hell would you think this was a good idea?  This POS believed the soup was too hot and complained to the manager about it.  Okay, that’s fine, but you don’t have the right to throw the soup into a worker’s face. This is a cross between Karen and white trash, and you get assault charges.  The manager was a better person than me.  That incident would have ended differently.  

Maybe this Karen was practicing for some Karen Olympics?  

Anyway, this shithead is facing charges now.  Go in for soup, come out with a year in jail.  Real smooth. 

That is the expression of someone realizing they f’ed up big time.  Hey, lady, hit me up when you get out of prison.  You know, I like em crazy.  I would take you out to dinner, but I couldn't keep you from throwing hot food on the staff.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

WingsOfRedemption Joins Troll Discord Sad so sad

Wings would rather stream alone in his house than save his marriage.  Unlike DSP, Wings knows his days being a content creator are numbered, yet refuses to look for other roads to take.  Playing and streaming video games is bad for his mental and physical health.  His wife has begged and pleaded with him to walk away from streaming.  Now, she is threatening to leave him over his self-destruction.  Wings, listen to your wife.  Unlike DSP, your wife seems to care about you.  It is time to start moving toward finding employment.  

I do believe his wife will leave him.  He’ll be sitting in his house alone, eating Wendy’s chili and blaming trolls. 

Jussie Smollet Case Word Up

Juicy Smollett found of being guilty and stupid

I haven’t been writing much about this shithead.  Smollett created this victim complex and hoax.  I love that a jury found him guilty, and he still claims his innocence.  The dumbass even took the stand in his own defense and still lost.  It took him two years, but at least justice was served...a bit.  Even for a celebrity, the man has such an inflated view of himself.  

He doesn’t understand that this hurts the very people that he claims to be a part of in the end.  Anyway, his music video “Hurt People” hasn’t aged well, and you must read the comments.  

F’ you, Juicy. 

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (2022) - "Official Trailer" - Paramount Pictures

It looks like the studio is fully embracing the Sonic lore, with Tails and Knuckles showing up in the trailer.  It seems the original cut of the first movie had less of the Sonic lore in it, plus, Sonic looked completely different and strange.  The director and studio listened to the fans and re-CGI-ed the Sonic character with a more traditional design.  

And, guess who is voicing Knuckles?  Idris Elba.  Yep, that guy.  I looked up the woman doing the voice for Tails, because she is spot on.  Her name is Colleen O'Shaughnessey, and she is a professional voice actress.  Plus, she’s played Tails in the past.  (Sonic Boom)  Check out her IMDB page because it is long.  

So, will the movie be any good?  Not sure, but they are clearly embracing the Sonic lore.  Will the blue-haired Twitter warriors attack the movie for giving in to the fans like the first movie?  We’ll see. 

Friday, December 10, 2021


It is amusing to know how self-centered and fragile Jeff Sokol is about his image.  He attempted to change his name legally to get away from the mocking of YouTubers.  He wants a clean slate and to run away from his recent past.  Given that he groomed and tried to have sex with a teenage girl, which he drove over 2 and half hours to see, he should be more worried about that than the Internet trolls.  This reveal of information about Sokol’s failed name change also supports the fact that Sokol is worried and bothered about what people think about him.  It makes sense why people believe Sokol is leaving comments on his own TCAP wiki page.  Since Sokol is under the RSO listing, I believe he doesn't have the right to change his name.

What a piece of shit. Sokol will always be connected to pizza.

Tuesday, December 07, 2021

Kevin "I'll watch ya" Westerbeck (AKA Webster)

Out of all the predators from TCAP, Kevin Westerbeck should be considered one of the worst predators in the group.  He’s the Lex Luthor of the band of creepy fucks.  NBC and the police caught this melted goblin in the Greenville, Ohio sting.  Kevin was a practiced rapist.  The police caught his messing with a minor back in 2005, and he raped his niece, who slept in his bed because of a storm.  So, he was such a monster that he could look past the fact she was kin to him and did it anyway.  What a monster.  Both incidents happened before the Greenville sting, and he was getting ready to go to prison that very week.   I get chills when he enters the house and heads straight for the decoy’s voice.  I believe he was going to force himself on her, but Chris Hansen cock-blocked him.  

Anyway, Kevin received ten years in prison for all the sexual crimes.  A lot of things have changed in ten years.  Allegedly, the other prisoners repeatedly raped him in those ten years.  Child predators really get it bad in prison and do get beat up or raped.  When they released Kevin, he started working for Kroger as a stock guy.  Someone snapped a photo and complained about him being around children, and I believe he was fired.  

Fuck this guy, he’s clearly a guy that has done this a lot. 

Saturday, December 04, 2021

Dislike This Video - Youtube Removed Dislike Button

There are times when I’ve been harsh on Boogie. Sometimes he falls into this self-torture vibe and destroys himself.  This time; I have to give him major props for a well-grounded response to YouTube getting rid of the dislike button.  He brings up some good points as to why it should stick around.  Now, compare this to the childish and frankly stupid stance from Mundane Matt.  Two completely different takes and shows the difference.  Matt wants to become a full-time YouTuber so bad but doesn’t understand why people hate him so much. 

Wednesday, December 01, 2021

Meet the new Twitter...

I’ve been waiting for the day to see Twitter eat itself from the inside and a dumpster fire way.  This new TOS will destroy the social media giant because there will be so many false flags.  The worst part is now sexual predators have a safe haven to hide because you can’t identify them. What is my generation going to do if Twitter declines further?  Even Twitch isn’t this strict.  

I am loving this self-destruction.