Tuesday, December 07, 2021

Kevin "I'll watch ya" Westerbeck (AKA Webster)

Out of all the predators from TCAP, Kevin Westerbeck should be considered one of the worst predators in the group.  He’s the Lex Luthor of the band of creepy fucks.  NBC and the police caught this melted goblin in the Greenville, Ohio sting.  Kevin was a practiced rapist.  The police caught his messing with a minor back in 2005, and he raped his niece, who slept in his bed because of a storm.  So, he was such a monster that he could look past the fact she was kin to him and did it anyway.  What a monster.  Both incidents happened before the Greenville sting, and he was getting ready to go to prison that very week.   I get chills when he enters the house and heads straight for the decoy’s voice.  I believe he was going to force himself on her, but Chris Hansen cock-blocked him.  

Anyway, Kevin received ten years in prison for all the sexual crimes.  A lot of things have changed in ten years.  Allegedly, the other prisoners repeatedly raped him in those ten years.  Child predators really get it bad in prison and do get beat up or raped.  When they released Kevin, he started working for Kroger as a stock guy.  Someone snapped a photo and complained about him being around children, and I believe he was fired.  

Fuck this guy, he’s clearly a guy that has done this a lot. 

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