Friday, December 10, 2021


It is amusing to know how self-centered and fragile Jeff Sokol is about his image.  He attempted to change his name legally to get away from the mocking of YouTubers.  He wants a clean slate and to run away from his recent past.  Given that he groomed and tried to have sex with a teenage girl, which he drove over 2 and half hours to see, he should be more worried about that than the Internet trolls.  This reveal of information about Sokol’s failed name change also supports the fact that Sokol is worried and bothered about what people think about him.  It makes sense why people believe Sokol is leaving comments on his own TCAP wiki page.  Since Sokol is under the RSO listing, I believe he doesn't have the right to change his name.

What a piece of shit. Sokol will always be connected to pizza.

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