Saturday, December 18, 2021

Stephen GC Coates Twitter Likes

Stephen GC likes…stuff

As I mentioned before, Mr. Thought Crime doesn’t like people talking about him or using his music.  He abuses the flag and copyright system because he is butt-hurt, pun intended, and people say mean things about him.  Bitch, you showed up to a sting house with your shitty CD for a teenage girl. 

Sadly, Mr. Thought Crimes likes the big booties, just like me.  I think we differ on age, though.   I did look at his boring ass Twitter page, and it is mostly stupid political memes and likes.  Likewise, I couldn’t scroll through the rest without rolling my eyes.  Good on Skip Tracers for finding those strange likes.  

Given that Stephen reads and hears everything about himself, did he remove the likes now?  

I beg of you. 

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