Saturday, May 01, 2021

Cody Lane | Rest In Peace (RIP Carla)

Due to my referral links and search words, someone did a search on the term “Is Cody Lane dead?”  Come to find out, sadly, she died.  She was killed by a drunk driver while crossing a street.  She died a month later from her injuries.  Furthermore, she left behind a daughter.  I feel bad for the daughter.  

After retiring from porn, she ended up in and out of prison numerous times.  She has so many mugshots that you can see her age and change hairstyles.  So, she had some personal demons she had to get through, but her death wasn’t connected to those issues.  While her arrest lifestyle wouldn’t have ended well for her, she didn’t deserve to be killed by a drunk driver.  Last year in a car, I was hit by a drunk driver and my brother also got hit by one this year.  

No, I’ve never seen her “Blue Room” scene.  I’ve many of her scenes and her early stuff was pretty good.  Now, I’ve made fun of her a lot due to her living in the same city as me.  Heck, she worked at a New Albany strip club and I surprised our paths never crossed.  

Her final mugshot, taken a couple of months before her death is below.  Note the mask in the mugshot.  I’ll probably do a final mugshot post about her just because I’ve found even more mugshots. 

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