Saturday, May 01, 2021

Wallach one of the worse

 Chris Hansen did a podcast about Chris Wallach, aka the pred that brought his son to the sting.  The kicker is his son was taken away from him and his wife, who stayed with him after the fact.  Chris did the right thing by not interviewing the guy.  

It tried to fight the charges with high-paid lawyers, but he failed.  If I am not mistaken, this is his current RSO profile.  Let’s just say the man is doing very well for himself with two new VOLKSWAGEN, a Chevy, and a Lexus. It seems the wiki is slightly out of date.  He now owns and works at his family company.  

The child is grown now, and I am sure he knows about his father’s terrible deeds and jail time.  I am certain he’s watched the arrest video. 

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