Tuesday, May 04, 2021

Rowdy Roddy Pipper Looking back


I watched the A&E special that talked about Rowdy Roddy Piper.  I remember watching and hating the character from the 80s.  He was a major heel for the good guys such as Hogan.  I vaguely remember the whole Mr.T storyline, but I do remember the Cyndi Lauper angle and the MTV connection.  How about that Goonies' music video? 

His wife and children seemed to really love him, which is the opposite of many wrestlers during that time.  Watching his daughters and wife talk about him made me tear up.  He tended to keep his family and his WWE lives separate from each other. He knew how much people hated him as a heel and he didn't want his family to see or get the brunt of that.

I didn’t know about the super long fight scene from They Live until recently.  I think the Internet introduced me to the fight scene and I watched the movie later.  

The A&E special also went over the complicated relationship between Hogan and Piper.  I thought it was touching that Piper called Hogan before he died.  He left a message on Hogan’s phone. 

Remember when he showed up on the Mario Brothers show?

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