Thursday, August 06, 2020

That F'ed up story about Pierre Piper and her Boyfriend (An update for "shorty" in the main page. Shoutout. )

At work, I asked a fellow dude about an adult actress.   

I asked, “Who is that blond pornstar that has braces and looks like a younger sister to Elsa Jean?” 

“Pierre Piper,” he replied with certainty 

Well, this is one of those f'ed up stories

PP, I mean Pierre Piper, is one of those pornstars that has made it to meme status around the Internet.  She did that famous Interracial picture with the black guys surrounding her.  Whereas I find Elsa to be cute, I am a little more uneasy with seeing Pierre in scenes.  She has that small frame and braces that make me think Chris Hanson might show up at my house.  There are literal photos of her as an adult that make her look much-much younger and that’s disturbing.  There is a big difference between a Riley Reid and a Pierre Piper.   

Anyway, one of the darker elements about PP is that she lost a child a few years back.  I remember reading about it on 4Chan.  While PP was out of town, not sure if she was doing a scene, her boyfriend was watching her 2-year-old son.  This POS shook the kid so hard that it damaged the child’s brain.  Basically, dude was high as hell and got tired of taking care of this child, which he had no business taking care of, to begin with.   

Yes, let’s brush over the other part.  While you are not to blame for the death, but you should have known better than to leave your baby with someone so shitty.  For me, I would watch someone else’s child and I am a boring lame person.   Regardless of your messed up lifestyle, don't let your kids suffer because of it.  

It doesn’t look it, but she is very-very tiny.   
This is the POS that killed the kid.  Keep in mind that it wasn’t his child.   

People, like myself, sometimes confuse Elsa Jean and PP as the same person.  But PP is much smaller.   

This disturbing photo is actually Pierre Piper, as an adult, with the father of her child.  She looks 12-13 years old.  How can you date someone that could mistakenly get the cops called on you?   I can't stress this enough that she is an adult in this photo from 2015.  WTF? 


  1. So like, is this an automatically generated click-bait story?
    or are you too lazy to check ANY sources?

    Thats not her name. You got her name wrong every time you posted it, and its incredibly easy to CHECK her name almost anywhere on the internet.

  2. don't care, just a blogger, not a reporter. Have no sources and can't give a damn either. Sorry, move along home. Is that even her real name? Does it matter? Should I care? You tell me.

    I guess I should thank you for taking the time to post on a shitty blog that no one cares about, including me. So, thank you (?).

    I'm bored and going to bed.

  3. BTW, the above comment was automated just for you.
