Wednesday, August 05, 2020

We are Greer .

First off, this is ALL my opinion.  Due to Russ suing everyone, I have to say that.   

I was going to hold off on talking about Rusty for a bit, but the fool did something even I thought he wouldn’t try. Instead of taking a deal and keeping out of jail, Rusty has a problem with the “treatment”.  So, now it will go to trial or to more serious developments.  Given the Covid-19 shit going on, some on the Kiwi Farms are saying it might not go to trial.  If there is a trial, it will be a goldmine of stupidity and pity calling.  From what I can gather, Russ has refused to take treatment, so the agreement was thrown out.  

Let’s go back to why he ended up in court...again.  Rusty has a history of harassing and bothering women both online and offline.  Russ, I know you read everything said about you, so this is all alleged.  Russ pulled all the stops on one lady online and started to really harass her after she disconnected from him.  It got so bad that she filed online harassment charges.  Rusty went to court and plead “no contest”, meaning they had enough evidence against him that he sought a deal instead of pleading guilty.   The deal was to keep out of trouble and it would go away. The victim wasn't part of the agreement.  

A month later, the victim of his harassment wanted to make some adjustments to the deal.   She wanted Russ to seek some sort of court-appointed treatment for his issues.  She didn't want other women to go through the same stuff she went through.  She honestly wanted to see him get better.  Instead of agreeing to the deal, our man Russ has f’ed it up to a trial.  Now, the state can look into all his online activities and look into bringing anyone that has been harassed by this goblin.  Man, Russ, you have really messed up.   

I will warn the victim in this case with Russ.  Be careful, Russ has done some questionable things that have landed him in jail.  In my opinion, Russ could be very dangerous despite his disabilities.  Russ, you need treatment, serious treatment.  You should go into some type of long-term place and get some help.  If you stay on the path you are on, you’re going to either hurt yourself or some female you’re lusting over.   As much as I enjoy reporting and mocking you, I want you to get better and seek treatment.  

If Russ does something else stupid, I’ll report on it.  For now, I’ll let him be.  


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