Saturday, August 08, 2020

Emeril Lagasse and his "Dutch Oven"

I am usually up very late at night, so there are a lot of useless infomercials on during this time.  One of the ones that keeps popping up recently is the Emeril Lagasse’s Power AirFryer 360 Oven.  It is more like the George Forman Grill and less like the Hulk Hogan oven.  It does seem strange to see some people popular from the 90s hawking shit on paid TV commercials.    

Emeril was the Chef on TV.  He probably had like six or seven TV shows between the mid-90 to mid-2000s.  Heck, I even remember his shitty sitcom that NBC mistakenly game him.  Sure, he does good on his talk show, but acting is a different animal.  He also had books and other merchandise.  The man was Gordon Ramsey without the anger and Rachel Ray without the cuteness.  I liked Emeril and I still do the “Bam! Kick it up a notch.”  

I thought, “Oh, boy, Emeril has fallen on hard times.   

I was wrong.  Emeril is doing extremely well and still making some good food.  He just made this strange infomercial, which I find funny and odd. 

While Emeril’s fame has faded, the man still has some restaurants around the US, but some have been closed, and he’s still making shows here on there on various networks.  Here’s the best part.  He made 50 Million dollars off his empire selling it to Martha Stewart’s company.  Stewart owns the rights to all of Emeril’s cookware and other things.  He also has an active YouTube channel that he uploads old and new clips.  

Emeril and Rachel Ray.  It is like Batman and Superman teaming up.   

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