Thursday, February 27, 2020

Rusty in trouble: Payback is a B-word

Rusty in trouble:  Payback is a B-word 

Checking through my favorite ass-wipe on Kiwi Farms, someone posted a new update on our man Russell Greer.  It appears Rusty has been really harassing women online even more than before.  Some lady actually pressed online stalking charges on Rusty.  For an attractive woman to put a stalking charge on him, he must have been doing some creepy shit.   
Keep in mind he has not been proven guilty.  So, don’t sue me, Russ.  I know you read everything about yourself.   
The other thing that OP has stated is his family has been actively trying to keep him out of jail and paying for lawyers.  Rusty simply can’t take a hint and just live his life.  He harasses women all day and threatens to sue them.   
Rusty, I hate you, but I am going to give you some sound advice.  Stop, just stop talking to women.  Work on yourself by getting into a real therapy session.  This angry attitude will only get you into trouble.  And, we know about that bathroom incident where you were arrested.  This is not going to end well for you.   
Not only do more women need to charge him with stalking, but threaten him with restraining orders.  This is the only way he is going to learn.  
How many fingers am I holding up?  Wait, how many fingers do you have there?  

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Mobility Mary: This is Nucking Futz

Mobility Mary:  This is Nucking Futz 
I saw her screeching goodness on Reddit and I knew I had to learn more.  I love how she rolls up on people like Dr. Evil and yells at them.  For some reason, she has to remind everyone that she is on a scooter.  She yells at EVERYONE.  She rolls around looking for people to attack with her shrill voice.  She’s part Karen and part Russell Greer.  Everything is about her and only her.   
I love this woman.   
Did I mention that she sits at four-way stop signs and counts people whom roll through the signs?
One of my favorite MM moments is her chasing a car into a drive-thru and the dude getting out of the car and yelling at her back.   
This doesn’t seem to be her original channel, but an archive channel.   

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Bitter Gamer

Someone is very bitter and every meme triggers him... 
I guess the bankruptcy is really getting to him and he is lashing out.   Keep in mind people give him thousands of dollars each month.   So, who is worse, DSP or WIngs?  

Monday, February 24, 2020

Those Nike Jordan/Bugs Bunny crossovers

The How Did This Get Made guys did a podcast about Space Jam.  They went into the lore of how this crossover between Jordan and Bugs began.  Before Space Jam, the movie, the director(Joe Pytka) did a couple of extremely popular Nike commercials.  These ads used similar Roger Rabit technology of real people interacting with cartoon characters.  I remember people really loving these ads.  So much so, that brought in the director and made a movie based on these ads in the form of Space Jam.   
My only problem with the relationship between the ads and Space Jam is that they are not related to each other.  In the Nike commercials, Jordan and Bugs know each other already.  In the movie, which is set later, they meet for the first time.   I guess they didn't have the rights to the Nike universe. 
Michael Jordan and the Loony Toons gang would make a lot of ads together.  Jordan kind of became a part of the Toons gang.   Jordan even showed up in a cameo in Loney Toons: Back in Action.  

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Lori Daybell the new Casey?

This is Casey Anthony with a cult twist.  
How do you lose your kids and not give a single shit about them?  She seems to be more worried about her hair and makeup than revealing or finding e=her kids.  Lori got involved with a strange cult and married this strange dude.  Getting into Chad Daybell is a whole other story, to begin with.   
Due to their craziness, I get the impression that Lori’s children aren’t in the realm of the living (in my opinion).  Lori and Chad have a ton of bodies around them of people dying mysteriously.  There are too many people being knocked off around them to be a normal occurrence.   
Despite the children missing, the couple flew to Hawaii and was seen traveling around the island as if nothing has happened.  WTF?  Idaho had Hawaii arrest Lori and hold her on a 5-million-dollar bond.   
This story is so f'ed up.  
To even fully write about this case, I would have to write a novel about it is via this blog.  I don’t have that much time, but the Lori case is catching my attention now. 

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Mikaela Spielberg is making movies, just not the PG kind...(In other words, porn.)

From Pop ((This week, Mikaela Spielberg, daughter of renowned film director and producer Steven Spielberg, revealed that she is beginning a career in the adult entertainment industry, and social media users have been chiming in with their opinions. In an interview with The Sun, Mikaela — the adopted daughter of Spielberg and his actress wife, Kate Capshaw — explained how she recently revealed the news to her parents, describing their reaction as "intrigued," but "not upset.")) 
I’m trying my best not to slut-shame and because I’ve been around some sex workers, but I am perplexed as to the reason behind Mikaela’s career path.  Many people get into the sex trade when other options aren’t open to them to make big money.  Mikaela comes from a rich and famous family.  Steven’s projects will continue to print money well after he’s retired, yet she took this porn path.  We went through this before with Monica Fishburne and her porn path.  Given she is 23 years old, I think she is making a bad mistake.   
Is this a way to embarrass her father?   

As I stated, she has a banging body.
Look here, look, listen, I think she is a lovely woman, but I just want to know her intentions for going this path given her name and money.  Does she know that she doesn’t have to take this path?  Porn is not for the weak.  Even the most popular and hard-working adult stars have some regrets.  It is not out of the question to see family members of famous people getting into porn.  Singer Jodie Watley’s sister was a famous pornstar for a while. Her name was Midori.   
I am all for getting into porn and being a pornstar.  Just know the risk and the lasting effects it will have on your life even when you hang up your G-string.  Being rich and 23, she doesn’t know what she is in for.  Just ask Monica Fishbourne.  I don’t think this career path will be a long one.   
I’ll have more on this as it transpires.