Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Mobility Mary: This is Nucking Futz

Mobility Mary:  This is Nucking Futz 
I saw her screeching goodness on Reddit and I knew I had to learn more.  I love how she rolls up on people like Dr. Evil and yells at them.  For some reason, she has to remind everyone that she is on a scooter.  She yells at EVERYONE.  She rolls around looking for people to attack with her shrill voice.  She’s part Karen and part Russell Greer.  Everything is about her and only her.   
I love this woman.   
Did I mention that she sits at four-way stop signs and counts people whom roll through the signs?
One of my favorite MM moments is her chasing a car into a drive-thru and the dude getting out of the car and yelling at her back.   
This doesn’t seem to be her original channel, but an archive channel.   

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