Sunday, February 23, 2020

Lori Daybell the new Casey?

This is Casey Anthony with a cult twist.  
How do you lose your kids and not give a single shit about them?  She seems to be more worried about her hair and makeup than revealing or finding e=her kids.  Lori got involved with a strange cult and married this strange dude.  Getting into Chad Daybell is a whole other story, to begin with.   
Due to their craziness, I get the impression that Lori’s children aren’t in the realm of the living (in my opinion).  Lori and Chad have a ton of bodies around them of people dying mysteriously.  There are too many people being knocked off around them to be a normal occurrence.   
Despite the children missing, the couple flew to Hawaii and was seen traveling around the island as if nothing has happened.  WTF?  Idaho had Hawaii arrest Lori and hold her on a 5-million-dollar bond.   
This story is so f'ed up.  
To even fully write about this case, I would have to write a novel about it is via this blog.  I don’t have that much time, but the Lori case is catching my attention now. 

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