Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Perhaps pushing 70-year-old down some stairs isn’t a good idea

The young guy shoved the old guy to the ground so hard that the old dude is literally stuck in place.  You can hear the snap and breath get pushed out of him as he hits the sidewalk.  The young guy broke him like a toy without its batteries.  It is very creepy and I have never seen anything like it.  The worse part is that the young guy and friend walk pass the body and almost leave him be.  You can also see the young realize he f'ed this old dude up.  
I discovered this sad story over on Reddit.  One man ruined his life and another one lost his life over 200 dollars in rent money.  Yep, that’s all.  The old dude caught it all, including his death, on his own doorbell camera.  The cops arrested the young dude for manslaughter.  None of this was necessary.   
Side note: Old dude has three daughters and a bunch of grandchildren.   
 The look of someone shitting themselves

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