Thursday, January 16, 2020

The mighty Quinn: Your past self

Would your past-idealistic self be proud of the person you became?  I ask this because I was recently watching an old clip of Zoe Quinn from GDC 2014. (Zoe appears at the 48 min mark.) While I can’t sit through all of the nonsense from the other speakers, Zoe’s speech is very interesting.   She looks like a normal pale girl of the era and she stumbles her words.  She is shy and bit more humble and not the “leader of the Woke Resistance” that she ended up becoming during GG.   She is just a woman talking about changing the world for the better without all the woke-SJW crap.  Is this a pure Zoe Quinn?  
Would this pre-GG Zoe be proud of the fact she walked away from a major website that would have helped bullied people online?  Would she be embarrassed that she took 85K in a dream FMV game and never completed the game for her fans or supporters?  Would she speak out about people jumping to conclusions on allegations against someone before the facts came to surface (Alec Holowka)?  Would she be upset that she left a close-knit indie community in shambles?  She basically did more damage to the indie community than GG could even imagine.   After leaving an unfinished 85K game and indie scene in flames, she jumped ship to the comic book community.  
I don’t know.  Given the passage of time, it is interesting to watch people become the thing they hate or fear.   

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