Tuesday, January 14, 2020

John Boyega-ardee

John Boyega doesn’t give a shit... 
I’ve disagreed with John in the past, but I can understand him on this issue.  For me, I would not get into a fight with losers from Reylo fans camp.  They’re a shipper group.  Doing this Instagram video is a brilliant way to get back asshats on the Internet. Now, the Reylo fans are attacking John calling his sexist, but also going after Gwendoline Christie for liking his post.  I am certain Gwen is more than a little mad with the way they handled her character in the Star Wars franchise.  If you’re going to have a skilled actress like her, why not use her?   
John and Gwen deserved better.   I think SW left a bad taste in his mouth and he's glad to move on.  Just don't attack Dinsey too much because they own everything.  
After the direction Finn took in TLJ, I think John had enough.  My only advice for John is to take your win against the trolls and move on.  Shippers tend to let things linger on.   
BTW, Grammarly doesn't have Reylo as a misspelled word.  I love that.  

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