Saturday, January 11, 2020

Thundercats Roar

Thundercats Roar

Damn it, this is bad. I watched the “two episodes” of the new Thundercats Roar show. It is cringe-worthy.  Getting through the two episodes was torture.  
I am not a huge fan of the original version, but I enjoyed it for what it was. I was more of a He-Man fan. This “remake” is a turd...a smoking turd. Look, I know the show isn't meant for me, but kids today deserve something better than these balloon style designs with heroes acting like shitheads. At least the Titiants own it and make fun of the fact they are shitheads.  What happened to good storytelling?  Bring something fresh to the Thundercats lore instead of a parody.  
I could not care anymore about this “shitting on” the old show. The big problem is this should have been a more grown-up cartoon with some humor sprinkled in here and there. Many of the Transformer's remake shows did it well. And, the designs, it shouldn't look like Chris Chan drew and designed these characters. It is just lazy to go for the Teen Titans Go style, but even worse.  With this childish design, the characters change shape and model from second to second.
Was this remake created for the ADD crowd? Everything is so jumpy and frantic without letting the artwork speak for itself.  Can you sit down and tell a bloody story? I can't believe this is what passes for children's TV. The good news is for every one of these shows, there are  Star Wars Rebels type shows being made. People still have the old series and just skip this mess.  Will this show get better?  I hope so. 
Grade: D+
BTW, for all it's pandering, the new She-Ra is a better series than this shit.
If you're aiming it at 5-year-olds, it doesn't mean it should look like it is MADE by 5-year-olds. 

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