Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Spoony Update: It is singles' night

The Spoony Update
Broke up with GF and yet still angry at Trump.  Huh? 
I was re-watching his role in the To Boldy Flee movie and loved seeing the energy he had playing two different roles. While this was around the time when he got booted from Channel Awesome, but he was still creatively flush.
Well, flashforward to today and he's at an all-time low. His live-in girlfriend finally had enough and left him. It took her two-three years to do it, but good for her. There is only so much bullshit and unwashed days a person can take. Spoony would refuse to work on anything and sit there watching Trump's Twitter page ready to comment on it. Not only has his constant tweeting stopped his content creation, but it has also now helped end his relationship.
One more time, put down the Twitter and actually work on some content. It will help you.  If you refuse to go to therapy, then it is time to work on work or at least get a part-time job.  I do believe he's coming close to harming himself.  There will be a point where he loses the house and refuses to get a real 9-5 job.  He'll have no other choice.  It is sad to say.  

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