Thursday, December 12, 2019

Grant Amato: Loser wins a lifetime in prison

Yes, this happened in Florida.
This is a case that has caught my attention. It is such a twisted story of porn, murder, and lies. Grant Amato is a strange dude. He worked hard and went to college to follow his dream. He became a nurse. The kicker is he also became a three-time murderer too. The problem you don't need to go to school to become that.  Grant ended up killing his father, mother, and brother. Then, he tried to fake a suicide-murder situation.
Basically, Grant snapped. But, it gets crazier. He started to steal weapons and money from the family. The hospital fired him because he was stealing thousands of dollars in drugs from the workplace.
He fell in love with a camgirl on My Free Cams. He fell so hard for this woman that he sent 200K to Bulgaria where the camgirl lived. The problem was that it wasn't his money to give, it was his parents' cash he was stealing sending to this girl. His parents had enough and put their foot down. After two weeks of failed treatment, Grant's parents gave him one more chance. So, this guy concocted this scheme to get access to money to gain attention to a camgirl from Bulgaria.
Fiction can't even think up something this crazy.

Look, I like porn, probably more than the next guy, but I wouldn't murder for it. And, I learned a long time ago that no one in the sex trade is going to love you no matter how much money you throw at them. You're just a walking money bag. Look at the sex trade as a transaction. She has something you want, so you pay for it. You don't obsess or fall in love. Lust and love are two different things, Grant.
Grant needed to be put into a mental home on a long term basis. Now, he gets to spend life in prison will never see another camgirl again. It is just a shame that three family members had to lose their lives over this mess.  It will be men's buttcheeks for you, Grant. Enjoy that schlong, buddy.
Side Note: Check out his interrogation video with the police. He calmly talks about bullshit after killing his family.

Yes, this is the camgirl that he fell in love with.  Ok, she's hot but worth killing for?  Nope.  

Has anyone talked to the camgirl about this? 

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