Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Curse of Lorne Armstrong: A tip of the iceberg

The Curse of Lorne Armstrong 
Lorne Armstrong is probably the Chris Chan of predators.  Lorne is stupid and has a narrow view of the world.  He uses and attacks people that confront him.  They both have a dark and creepy side.  Like Chris, Lorne’s been documented and trolled since the mid-2000s.  It is uncanny how similar they are.  Chris is slightly a better person though.   
Lorne became an Internet meme through the To Catch a predator. It is disgusting to hear this 40-year-old flirt and groom an underage girl.  He traveled from Nashville to Bowling Green, KY for the sting.  He got in a lot more trouble for crossing state lines and receiving 60 months in prison and a lifetime of probation. Side Note: Lorne will be on the RSO list his whole entire life. Many of the predators from the show are already losing their RSO status, but Lorne will always be on the list.  He also isn't allowed to drink. 
He’s plopped into my mind and my YouTube feed recently.  His parole officer rearrested him for breach of his release agreement.  It has later come out that he is allegedly in a dangerous relationship with a mentally impaired 18-year-old woman. Why would any woman want to date a sexual predator with drinking problems?   
If you're not careful, you will get caught up in the sad and stupid life of a man nearly in his 50s that still can't get over the Internet making fun of him. Like Chris Chan, he keeps falling for trolls and catfishing.  
Here's he's transcripts from his re-arrest.
It is sad to see his lawyer to play up the “Internet is after me” defense. The judge wasn't having any of it and told him to ignore it.
Keep in mind that I am only scratching the surface of Lorne's history.

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