Monday, June 03, 2019

GC vs. GG: A Predator's Revenge ...

Someone in the TCAP legion of predators is butt-hurt (Pun intended: He asked for anal in the sting).
A certain someone that brought a mixtape to the sting has been trying to strike down Mister GG's video with him in it. First, he tried to copyright strike GG's video via using Stephen GC's Thought Crimes (20-40 seconds).  GG removed the music and re-uploaded the video.  Stephen was still butt-hurt, so he issued a piracy complaint on the video, trying to take it down.  He also had the nerve to send messages to GG admitting he abused the copyright system.  given Stephen was or is a predator, you would think he would take a step back and keep a low key attitude.
By acting like an asshat, Stephen is bringing more attention to himself.  Years ago, he even made a creepy song based on the events of TCAP.  (Thought Crimes)  Stephen removed his own pedo song from YouTube, but it is still around the Internet.   
He'll probably report me, but f' it.  he needs to be revealed for his underhanded practices and trying to rewrite what he did. Given the 300 predators caught, he seems to be the most visual post TCAP.   
You're supposed to learn from your mistakes and become a better person.  You are not supposed to rewrite the history of what happened.  We actually have hours upon hours of information on your sting and arrest.  Plus, it probably isn't a good idea to plaster your face over your newer albums or make a damn song about your arrest, dumbass.   
So how you've managed to re-light your case after all the talk about other predators such a Sokol.  And, people aren't going to forget you were the old dude that brought his mixtape to show off to an underage girl.  Really, dude?   
Side Note:  I am not going to post a picture of him on my blog due to his false-flagging antics.  I might review his Thought Crimes song for the Lulz.  
Here's a bit of his theme "Thought Crime"  and his arrest.  

You want more about this guy?  Here's an interview with the decoy that talked to him some ten years ago.  

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