Thursday, June 06, 2019

Kristian Harloff Meltdown

Well, this was an epic meltdown.  I’ve had some big meltdowns at work, but I hate the place I work.  Kristian Harloff, on the other hand, is doing a job he wants to work.  I think it is more sour grapes.  Who cares if Disney didn’t invite you to their shitty thang?  Kristian, so what?  You still have the best job in the world.   
The producer that came down and decided to flex.  Don’t bring this shit on the air unless your Howard Stern.  The snarky remarks by the producer make me almost want to side with Kristian Harloff.   This producer is a piece of shit and I probably would have quit and gone back to Schomo's Know channel. 
It seems only one movie site is reporting on this meltdown and that’s The Mary Sue.  What is interesting is the manner that they steer the conversation.   
From Alisha Grauso ((Maybe the reason Disney is making a point to invite more female journalists to Star Wars press events is because they realize the brand is being ruined by entitled, proprietary white guys and they want to change that. Weird how that works.)) 
I know you want to shape his meltdown to your narrow beliefs, but I think it is simpler than that.  I think Harloff felt he carried their water for five years.  He thinks he is entitled but doesn’t understand Disney can invite whomever they want.  It should not matter if you are female or male, just do your damn job.

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