Saturday, June 01, 2019

Fun with Local Mugshots

Fun with Local Mugshots

Because the Louisville jail site is a bit of a mess, I decided to look up a Facebook group that post mugshots from Louisville. By my Cody Lane posts, I like to comment on mugshots.  They're supposed to be taken at your lowest point in life. I decided to post the photos an make fun of them.  

 Happy Jesus: This guy is very pleased with himself. I love the full-on grin. I think he should replace his FB profile pic with his mugshot. Damn, I've never been this happy. 
 Dude, WTF? Why are people in Louisville so happy about being locked up? Do they serve ice cream in the joint? Anyway, I love her playful smirk like she put a “kick me” someone's back. 
 Again, another happy arrested person. This girl is literally in mid-laugh as she takes a photo. She looks like a she is taking a yearbook photo. Why is she so damn happy? 
 Man, the boy band haircut won't do you any favors while in prison. Didn't this stupid hairstyle die out back in 2010? 

She has that distant look of “Shit, I have completely f'ed up my life look.” When you get out, call me, girl. You know I like them crazy.

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