Monday, April 22, 2019

Rust-Ville: Someone has been busy

Just after I wrote that post about our boy Rusty, he decided to write a rebuttal of sorts to that Medium story about him with another Medium story...about him.  It is a bit of ramble, but it does give us an insight into his state of mind from a slanted POV.  The story from Russ is too long and stupid to fully go through, but I wanted to go through a few things.  (And, Russ, this is review and fair use don’t even try to sue me over it.) 
From Medium, ((They say that the entertainment business is all about who you know, not what you know. If you can’t nail an audition, you better know somebody who knows somebody or else you just have to press your luck.)) 
And, this is the problem with your entire generation.  You don’t want to work for fame, because you want the fame thrown onto you.  To have lasting success, you HAVE to skills to grow and change.  Part of that is working your way up the career you want to get into not instantly getting famous.  Think about the entire Jersy Shore guys.  Where are they now?  Damn it, Russ.   
But, wait, there’s more.   
From Medium((To condense a long situation: friends encouraged me to send my well-intentioned song to her, figuring that my story and efforts would be my selling point and not the mediocre song. Bewilderedly, Taylor’s agents thought I was trying to get her to do a song, and somehow, even after back and forth calls and emails, they could not understand it was a gift song.)) 
The kicker is now he has retconned the Taylor Swift song as a “gift” song and not an unwanted submission.  If it was a gift song, why not just put it on YouTube instead.  Can’t you see why they had to reject your gift because it looked like an unwanted submission?  Rusty does more retconning than Star Trek Discovery.   
Since this post is pretty long.  I might come back to this Rusty post.  He sort of doesn’t deserve it.   

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