Sunday, April 21, 2019

Chris Chan Tries it: Making his own home the HQ of his fictional world.

Chris Chan Tries it: Making his own home the HQ of his fictional world.
Yes, Chris has decided to make his home in VA the “Sonichu Headquarters”. I am not making this up. When you put in Sonichu Headquarters into Google Maps, it comes up as Chris Chan's home address and it even has a picture of him and his stupid characters. Despite the fact he already doxed himself years ago, he is now inviting people to show up to his house. So, when you Google Search Sonichu Headquarters, you go directly to his house. Damn it, Chris.
This is the Google Maps picture.
When his mother dies, he will no longer own the house and will be forced into a treatment home. Someone else will move in and they will be forced to deal with the Sonichu Headquarters listing in Google Maps. 
Here's the best part though...Chris has “store hours” for his home. Monday-Sunday, 8:30AM to 8:00PM. Are you serious? It would take me nearly 7-8 hours to meet Chris and Sonichu. (With tolls)
This needs to stop and it will not end well for him or his mom. 
Side Note: Grammarly does not list Sonichu as a misspelled word.  Someone had to put "Sonichu" into the Grammarly database.  Think about that. 

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