Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Record Store Employee Snobs

Record Store Employee Snobs
You see, kids, we had these buildings that sold hardcover versions of your music called record stores.  Usually, it smelled rather bad in there and had pretentious a-holes working the front counter.  They're the same dudes that you encounter at the coffee shops today wearing their sandals and neck-beards.  
I love that Kenny Loggins sucks so bad that his own autograph brings the value of his used album down. While I don't remember everything about Half Baked, the joke from above always makes me laugh.
The scene reminds me of the High Fidelity scene with Jack Black giving shit to the guy that wants to buy a Stevie Wonder single.
I love that Jack Black refuses to sell the song to the middle age man. Was Jack Black the pre-hipster or the proto-hipster? And, yes the Cosby sweater joke has a completely different meaning today. What are you acussing your friend of, Jack?
Holy Crap, it is a Cosby Sweater.  Even at the height of the Cosby Show, the sweater look was lame.  Now it is just creepy. 

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