Saturday, April 27, 2019

Grape Lady, Remember her?

Grape Lady, Remember her?
Boom goes the dynamite.  
There comes a time that you have been on the Internet as long as I have and remember when these things first popped. I remember writing about her years ago. Damn, I've been doing this Internet thing for a long time.  Forget protecting the Bill of Rights, this should be in the Libary of Congress.  
Do you remember when the memes were new as a baby? The Grape lady was one of the earliest meme/popular videos. I remember a friend showing me this video and being shocked by the sound of a woman falling on her face (not her ass). I also love how her coworkers are pretending to care about her and are probably laughing her plight. Poor Grape Lady. People turned it into a damn song and remixes. After this incident, nothing else was heard or read about her. It was as if The Nothing grabbed her.
No one has really talked to her recently. In many ways, she is the queen of memes. Her name is Melissa Sanders and I'd be willing to interview her about her legend. I'd be nice, Melissa. Over the 26 years, there has been a few things to pop up about her. Maybe she is hanging out with the Numa-Numa Guy or the Chocolate Rain fool.
Look here (listen), we all are only a few missteps away from being the grape lady.  Lord knows I have.  
Side Note: Most young people don't know anything about her.
Are you following this, camera guy?  

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