Saturday, April 22, 2017

Random Stuff

Random Stuff
-Short Story will be locked by the end of Sunday Night: I will be locking my short story at the end of the weekend. I have a lot on my plate this weekend because there is the Thunder Over Louisville, but I also have to put the final touches on my short story. Then I have to start looking for a place to submit my story. I know I will get rejected, but I want to try to get some rejection letters and feedback. But, I also want to work on a full fictional story as well as a few non-fiction ones too.

-The Rock & Statham working on a Fast and Furious spin-off: Look, I love The Rock and I do like a lot of Statham's work. I could see a fighting/racing style spin-off working. People will flock to the theater of both of them. Despite being rivals, the characters work well together. I really think The Rock's character helped the F&F franchise. I still haven't seen the F&F movie yet. I know I am behind, but I am busy.
-Watching movies at home: Speaking of that, I've been more into watching movies at home than in the theaters. I used to see everything in the theaters. I know I look strange going on Friday nights by myself when everyone else is out on date night, but I generally go everywhere alone from dinning to movie watching. When I did go on dates to the theater, I was more into the movie than that date. That probably explains why I am still single.
However, I haven't been flocking to the theater as much lately. I've found more satisfaction watching movies at home. I've even enjoyed the movies more than on the big screen.  I find my enjoyment at home than the theater. 

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