Friday, April 21, 2017

Rick and Morty: And, that Mulan Szechuan sauce

Rick and Morty: And, that Mulan Szechuan sauce

Yep, I watched the first episode of R&M and I loved the remarks to the McDonald's Mulan special with the nuggets. The show is known for these sort of things thanks to Dan Harmon.
The sauce was a promotional tie-in with the Mulan movie that came out almost 20 years ago from Disney. I was a huge fan of the movie back in the day, but knew nothing about the tie-in nuggets and sauce. Damn, 98 is such a long time ago.
They should bring back these kids all grown up and angry just for the lulz.
Now, it seems pop culture and reality have cross paths. People are demanding that McDonald's bring back the sauce due to the pop culture rise of it being mentioned in R&M. How funny is that? From reference to meme to reality.
From Chicago Times, ((Rick and Morty” fans are petitioning for the sauce to be brought back, watching tutorials about how to make it and tweeting at McDonald’s to consider adding the dip back to the menu — a move that might be well-timed with a live-action “Mulan” coming to theaters in 2018. ))
McDonald's had mentioned they're looking into it. I just hope they bring it out much, much earlier than 2018 when the live movie comes out.
Not everybody is pleased with this news though. There are certain people that are calling this whole thing Problematic ™ . Here's the thing Disney went out of their way to cast an Asian cast in most of the roles for the movie. And, it has a strong female character to boot. Yet,there is still an issue. Whatever. Okay, shut up and sit in a corner please. We want our Mulan sauce.
I only go to McDonald's for the breakfast stuff, but I'd be willing to buy some nuggets with some Mulan sauce.
Can't wait for McDonald's to make it for you? Make it yourself.

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