Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Bike Lock Attacker

Bike Lock Attacker
It looks like 4 and 8 Chan found the a-hole that hit the Trump supporter with that bike lock. Get this; this guy is a Professor. Allegedly! He was identified using eye matches and backpack straps. Even the boots gave him away. This amazes and scares me at the same time. 4Chan has being using everything in the universe to match track things down. Remember the Shia thing?
I also like that he is an ethics professor. They even looked at his damn OK Cupid profile. Damn you, internet. I know I have tons of dirt floating the internet so I hope I don’t hit someone with a bike lock. BTW, those U-Lock locks are built to be super strong. To hit someone over the head with a lock like this is intending to do some major harm. I own one of those locks. (BTW, please use those locks to lock up your bikes.)

Should he lose his job? Nope. We need more discussion on debate and protest and hurting people that don't agree with us.
Should he be charged? If there is clear evidence. I just don't think the police are interested in arrested anyone at this time.
There has been very little news on this story, which I find interesting. There is a report that the school he worked for has “distanced” itself from him despite any clear evidence.
From DVC Inquirer ((According to an email sent out from DVC interim​ president Ted Wieden, “The adjunct faculty member that has been alleged to have committed this crime is NOT currently teaching at DVC.” ))
Someone probably told him, “Yeah, we'll have someone else teach your classes this summer. Take a break or something.”
Side Note: Never attack anyone with a pink shirt. 

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