Monday, July 28, 2014

The Conqueror: John Wayne, really?

The Conqueror: John Wayne, really?
Man, I read about this movie in the book My Year Of Flops. The writer really ripped into movie, and pretty much everyone considers this to be Wayne's worst movie. I also heard the We Hate Movies podcast review of this movie.
-The Asian “makeup” on Wayne's face is very very racist. Even Wayne distanced himself from the movie.
-White people paying Asians. Make it stop.
-91 people had cancer from making this film. This always made me very uneasy. Many people died from the cancer. From IMDB, ((It was filmed near a nuclear test site, and the set was contaminated by nuclear fallout. Photographs exist of John Wayne holding a Geiger counter. After location shooting, contaminated soil was transported back to Hollywood in order to match interior shooting done there. ))
Literally, 46 people that worked on the movie died from cancer ! That is totally horrible. This movie killed John Wayne and Susan Hayward. People went to work everyday not realizing that they were being exposed to dangerous levels of radioactive dirt. Damn. The US government first claimed the area was “safe”.  The cancer does put a horrible feeling over this movie when watching it.  
-Howard Hughes  sort of blamed himself for the radioactive dirt being shipped, so he blocked his movie from being seen for many years.
-Even John Wayne fans really hate this movie.
Despite all the bad history behind this movie, I want to see it now.

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