Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Random Things

Random Things
~Still getting bit up by insects: It seems like the insects outside are really biting me like crazy. Some of the bites still have gone down and they happened last week. Okay, I spend a lot of time outside, but damn these things are biting the shit out of me!
~Should VG reviewers disclose how many hours they've played a game they're reviewing?: Hmm, Probably in the case of RPG games. To shut up the fanboys that complain about the ratings of in the fave franchises, I think posting the amount of hours will put the review and the rating in the right mind frame for the reader/viewer. It should also be noted we're talking about games with 40-60 hours of gameplay. There's no way a reviewer can complete that much game and write their review, while doing other duties. GTA 5 comes to mind. Or should the review merely get the feel of the game overall?  
~John Oliver has really kicked major ass with his new TV show. He was good on Community and The Daily Show. Now, he's pissed off the Thailand ruling party. When you have a ruling body hating you, you're doing something right.
~Guardians of the Galaxy : I will check this movie out probably either Friday or Saturday. And, I will have review up either on Sunday or Monday. I just have to avoid the Marvel fanboys and annoying moviegoers. I guess I will try for an early showing on Saturday. Right now, the movie is at 93% on RT. That's a good thing, but that doesn't translate to Box Office gold. TF4 is at 17%, and that is one of the biggest money makers this year.   

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