Sunday, July 27, 2014

Denny's makes fun of Dash Con

Denny's makes fun of Dash Con

I can't believe Denny's posted this picture on their Twitter page. Story behind this photo and post is that there was a Tumblr convention that supposedly went horribly wrong. One of the things people all over the Internet talked about was the ball pit. There were stories of the ball pit getting pissed in at a certain point. (WTF)
Plus, one of the bonuses for people was spending more time in the ball I hated ball pits as child, so spending any time in that thing is a horrible thought. And, I am not going to get into the whole $17,000 emergency fundraiser.
Dash Con became such a story that it morphed into a meme. And, you know you're doing something wrong when Denny's is making fun of your event. Denny's, the place you go at night because you're drunk or high. Denny's always seemed like your out of touch grandparents. And, I am not knocking Denny's because I took a few dates to Denny's.  And, those dates were cool with going to Denny's, so they've helped me out a few times.  However, it is like your grandmother talking about the Harlem Shake.  
Being a blogger for a long time, I've never understood the culture of Tumblr. It feels like Twitter shat out a baby and it was in the form of Tumblr and the baby grew up bitter about the whole world in 10 minute intervals.   I guess I am just an old fashion blogger, because I'm just confused by Tumblr.

I can't believe I can say, “Back in my day, we actually had bloggers.” Damn I feel old in Internet years. 

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