Friday, July 25, 2014

Repo counter-attack goes wrong...but right?

Repo counter-attack goes wrong...but right?
I saw this over at Tommy's site and I could believe how crazy this ended up. Somehow, this crazy woman decided to destroy the automotive vehicle that she stopped making payments on. She doesn't realize she makes ALL black people look bad with her behavior. If I was standing there, I'd be embarrassed.
Then it gets worst when FOX interviews her. Talk about ignorant. From CBS46, (("I really just wanted to show my a-- anyway-get it off my chest," Smith said. "When I saw him, I just really went ludicrous for the h--- of it, because I knew then that I didn't want the car." ))
Well you certainly did that and more. I look at these videos and shake my head. We are doing so much harm to ourselves in the black community. We promote ignorance and violence over education and logic. I've seen it first hand with other black people making fun of me when I was younger because I talked proper and didn't use slang.  (Recently, I've been told I have no swagger. So?)
Every time she opens her mouth, nothing intelligent comes out.
Here is a radio interview. Holy Crap.

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