Friday, July 25, 2014

Squatters going to Squat

Squatters going to Squat
From, ((The brothers behind two video game Kickstarters, one backed and one not, appear to be the duo who have threatened to sue a homeowner ))
When I saw this story, I was like please don't let this be another kickstarter scam project. I think there has been some good to come out these kickstarter projects and then there are people like these asshats not providing the product they promised.  
Besides not releasing the game on time, they have the gall to threaten to sue the homeowner even though they are the ones not paying the rent or utilities. It's like going to a restaurant eating the food and refusing to pay the bill. Then, you decide to stay in the restaurant and threaten to sue them if the owners if they kick you out and refuse to keep feeding you. And, the law actually had your back in the situation.

They call their crowd-funded game Confederate Express. Check out their kickstarter page. It does have a Lucas 90s feel to it. I can see why people funded the game, but come devs.   So they delayed this game and kickstarted another game asking for money

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