Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Random Stuff

Random Stuff
~True Blood Last Season: I know that this show gets a lot of flack for its changing premises each season. However, this last season is really getting good. They've certainly killed off a lot of the main characters this season. And, Pam and Eric are still some of the best characters in series. You have to love their anti-hero status. There are some twists and turns. Here's hoping it ends well. How does the Japanese mob fit into the story?
~Star Wars plot revealed?: It appears a short bit of the story was leaked to various sites. However, many people are saying that it might be a fake leak. They've been doing this for years. I am kind of interested in people going around the galaxy searching for Luke. Now, the “hand” flying through space didn't make sense until I realized they were talking about Luke's robotic hand. It is the only way it could survive reentry onto a planet.  
~North Korea asked China to remove the “offensive” viral video of Kim Jong-un dancing and being made a fool. China just shrugged and said, “Nope”. China has been known to clamp down on things, but not to the extent as NK. I feel this probably has something to do with Un killing his uncle, who had strong ties with China. China telling them “no” is probably a clear message too Kim. This would all be funny if it weren't for Un being a very dangerous person.
~Kanye West and his baby: Am I supposed to care that North West took his first steps? Just because the two parents are famous, one being legit and other being a reality star, doesn't mean I should give two shits about some baby taking their first steps. Since I am not a parent nor do I care to be, I really have little desire to hear about normal people's children doing things. So, what makes your child something I need to hear about? Maybe, it is just parenthood overall that I really don't care about because I am not a parent and married either.
I always have this video in my mind when I think about my single life via Louis CK.

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