Friday, April 18, 2014

Kid takes on girl bully and wins

Kid takes on mean bully girl...
I hate bullies and this video is just sweet justice. I've always stated that people need to defend themselves even when they know they're going to take a L. You make it hard for the bully to keep coming back to the point it is too much work kicking your ass. And, plus it builds character to know that you're taking up for yourself.  
What kind of parenting is taking place in the girl's home? Something tells me not much.
Some people have attacked the bus driver for not stopping the fight. Given bus drivers are always attacked in these situations, she did the right thing by calling the cops.
Why didn't the brother intervene when his sister was attacking the fat kid? He got all tough when the fat kid turned the tables and but her in a choke hold. You should have stopped your sister from attacking red shirt guy. How much you want to bet the parents of the girl and brother will blame the bus driver instead of their own kids?
I love the attitude the fat kid has after he settles her down. “You okay?”
Side note: Why is this being taken down from YouTube, but other far worst videos are still up? 

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