Friday, April 18, 2014

Spare some change?

Drug users and drunks: I've been to the same gas station in one week and been asked for handouts by disheveled older men. If you really want to piss me off, ask for money by creeping up on me. One guy got really pissed when I refused to give him money. Why? You're the one asking a complete stranger for some cash. There are times when I truly hate human contact and I get a little miffed when someone comes up to me to talk especially when its about asking for change to feed your habit.
The second time happened when I drove up in my car to the pump. There was an older man with a cane moving pretty fast up toward the pump. I knew he was going to ask for change because he seemed a bit drunk. Pissed, I sat in my car waiting for the old man to pass, so I didn't have to interact. He started to move slower as if to wait for me to get out of my car.
I sat there...waiting for him to pass. He refused and stopped walking. So, he started yelling at me! “A-a...can I have some change?”
He took the time to yell at me with my window rolled up. Getting more pissed, I just drove off and went to another gas station.
I know I shouldn't get worked up about this sort of thing, but there are times when I want to reduce my interaction with humanity as a whole.  Boom, there are people that will go out of their way to ask you for change.  It also pisses me off that they think I am mark that will be willing to give cash to them.  
I've had that family member with substance abuse problems asking me for handouts too, and I know directly where that change is going. So, that gets me worked up too.
I am not a bleeding heart liberal, but I think people do need a helping hand.  I just don't want my money going toward someone's habit, which is the reason I hate panhandling.  

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