Thursday, April 17, 2014

US Airways: That Maybe the Worst Twitter post ever...

US Airways: That Maybe the Worst Twitter post ever...
Well, they don't call it a landing strip for nothing (NSFW!). So, a woman kept sending complaint tweets to US Airwways, and she got this tweet back in response. It is of a woman sticking a toy plane in her v-jay-jay. Is this part of the service that US Airways provides for its first class flyers?
So, the company is claiming the twitter picture was merely a mistake. From Washington Post, ((“No, absolutely not,” Miller told The Post via telephone from Fort Worth, Tex., where the company is based. “It was an honest mistake.” ))
Do we really think this was a mistake? It was clearly someone that snapped and wanted to get back at a customer that they thought was bitching too much. So, they tweeted out that strange picture. I have to give US Airways credit for trying to convince everyone that it was a mistake.
By the way, I've been trying to find a censored enough picture to post on this blog, but even the censored ones are a bit much. 
I will never look at toy planes the same again.

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