Saturday, December 01, 2012

Happy Birthday Woody Allen and F' off

Happy Birthday Woody Allen and F' off
Woody as James Bond, honestly.  
Someone told me they were a fan of director Woody Allen and sneered at the sound of the a-hole's name. I hated him before the whole “I married my stepdaughter” thing. He's done 48 movies, and I found his movies to be pretentious, boring, and unfunny. People like to say he's comedic genius, but every film I've seen directed by him feels like a first draft than a final one. However, critics fall over themselves to heap praise on this guy.
It is his non-directed movies that I've found more interesting.
Now, we have to note the pink elephant in the room. Soon-Yi Previn, while not his official daughter, still seems a creepy. He actually saw her grow up.  Allen started banging the stepdaughter of the woman he was in relationship with. Is that a form of trading up or down? 
 So, how did Mia Farrow discover that Allen was messing with her daughter? From his wiki page, ((Allen and Farrow separated in 1992, after Farrow discovered nude photographs that Allen had taken of Soon-Yi, who was approximately 20 years old at the time.[101][102] In her autobiography, What Falls Away (New York: Doubleday, 1997), Farrow says that Allen admitted to a relationship with Soon-Yi. ))
eeww.  What a low piece of shit.  
Ronan Farrow, Mia's son, got into the ribbing with a friendly tweet on Father's Day. From LA Times, (("Happy father's day— or as they call it in my family, happy brother-in-law's day," Ronan tweeted Sunday. ))
So, I'd like to wish this old fart a happy birthday and congratulate his wife/daughter. Oh, and go F' yourself.
Old man hair:  there is a point when a guy gets so old that he doesn't give a crap about his hair. 


  1. Semaj's first draft of this post just read, '*Growl* *Grunt* *Snarl* *Foam* *Drool*'

  2. I can't contain my hatred for this guy. I have a similar emotional reaction to Chris Brown too.
