Tuesday, December 04, 2012

James Update

James Update
-It has been a very busy week for me.  So, it has been tough to update this blog. 
-Memphis: I had to go out of town to Memphis last weekend for a family thing.  It was very busy and time consuming.  Yet, it was very warm there, so that was a plus.  We flew on those small connection flight planes, which only carry 50 people or so.  I could barely stand up on the plane and my knees hurt, as I sat there between Louisville and Memphis. 
-Bad Children/bad parents.  On the flight there, there were a group of bad children that wouldn’t shut up and kept screaming and acting out.  The mother sheepishly tried to shut them up, but it didn’t work.  Why should we have to deal with your bad children, lady? 
-The Flight Back to Louisville:  I could have sworn I saw an actress from the TV Show The Wire on the plane.  I kept looking at her and thinking, “Where have I seen her before?”  I am sure it was a young actress from that show.  The fight back was on a smaller plane, and this plane really screwed up my ears.  

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