Saturday, December 01, 2012

Chris Brown has a Twitter explosion or implosion.

Chris Brown has a Twitter explosion or implosion.
You have to love that someone just trolling brings down Chris Brown's twitter account. It all started with a tweet back to Brown with this one, ((I know! Being a worthless piece of shit can really age a person. RT @chrisbrown: I look old as fuck! I'm only 23... ))
Sure it's trolling, but it is right on the money. He is a piece of shit. Now, someone with his amount of fame should have just let it go and ignored it. All eyes are going to be on you, watching for a blow up like this one.  It is times like this when you say, "Screw it.  I am rich.  Why should I care?"  However, he called her a hoe (ho) and things went from bad to worst. It seemed to be reduced to people calling each other poopy heads, and BJs.  
((Your mom must be so proud of you. RT@chrisbrown@JennyJohnsonHi5: I should fart while ur giving me top.))
She had this to say about the story, ((I've had people assume I dislike Chris Brown because I'm taking up for Rihanna, I'm not. I'm on the side of good, of equality and respect for my fellow woman. I was raised to not respect a person who doesn't respect others. And one human being physically harming another human being is one of the most disrespectful acts there is. I have never been a victim of domestic abuse, nor was I raised in a house where there was abuse. I do however, know people who have been victims of abuse by a so-called "loved one" and I've seen the long term damage it does. ))
And, I agree with her. People seem forget that Chris Brown beat the crap out of Rihanna and choked her out, after biting her a few times. Yes, choked her out and left her there. His fans have to know that some people are going to have a problem with that. And, sweeping it under the rug as if nothing happened isn't going to help. I like when critics throw jabs at him. 
I've had my own comment wars before, but Brown's responses to the trolling have had bit of darkness to them. Of course, someone on his team probably told him to delete his account, so he did...again. I guess Twitter is like crack, because you know he'll be back making more asshole tweets at some point. Heck, this site gives Breezy 50 reasons to quit Twitter. I can think of one, it is Twitter.
Plus, we've had a few other incidents where Brown has shown his violent side.
-He tore up a dressing room on Good Morning America. Then roamed around the sidewalk in a daze.
-He got into a fight with Drake in a club.
-Now, threatening to have Miss Jones blow him via Twitter.
And, don't get me started with the fact Rihanna has taken him back. This is harsh, but this time around people won't feel as bad for her when he does lay a hand on her again. And, it will happen. Look at how he had a blowout when someone trolled him.
The other problem I have with him is that he wants people to move on from the attack on Rihanna, but people are always going to talk about it when he keeps coming back to her. Her presence by his side will be a constant reminder of that attack.  

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