Friday, November 30, 2012

Random Things

Random Things
~Family Guy-guy MacFarlane will be guest starring in an episode of rival show The Simpsons. I remember the rivalry got a little bit too personal back in the mid-2000s. While it is news that Seth is showing up for The Simpsons, but actually Seth sung a song for one of the Futurama movies. (Futurama: Into the Wild Green Yonder ) Things seems to subside between the two franchises after that. BTW, there will be a Family Guy movie, make that what you may.

~Angus Jones gets reported on Taiwanese CGI news channel: WTF?
Why is Charlie Sheen drinking a flaming bottle and getting run over by a subway? They literally took to the brain washing in the Why is there a guy with a Jewish symbol?
~Alicia Keys sings the Gummi Bears theme song: I have to say this is a very good version of the theme song from the old days of Saturday morning cartoons. I had completely forgotten about the gummi bear cartoon show. Disney doesn't really bring it up much in any of their media either. Even Ducktales was referenced in the Kingdom Hearts games. The Gummi Bears show was on for six seasons, which I wasn't aware of. Did I also mention how cute Alicia Keys is?

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