Saturday, June 30, 2012

Uh, is this real or a parody?

Uh, is this real or a parody?
I found this on Reddit. I have a lot of questions.
-Why is the woman at the beginning wearing that stupid hat?
-Why are the bully kids just walking their bikes?
-Why are the bikes too big for all three of them?
-What is the message behind this story? Don't pick on people or you might get run over.
-After the child gets hit, one child is a little too happy about it. “Did you see that?”
-Why did the mom bring out drinks after watching a kid die?   


  1. I think it is a recut of an existing movie.

    I can answer the question about why the woman is wearing the weird hat... because it is Erykah Badu.

  2. I thought she looked familiar.

    Now, what was she doing presenting this video?
