Sunday, July 01, 2012

Rupert Murdoch is right...they are more than a little creepy

Rupert Murdoch is right...they are more than a little creepy
L. Ron?  Nope, Rupert.  
It's like the mid 2000s all over again. Fox leader Murdoch left a funny remark about scientologists on his twitter account. Prepare for the response back, Rupert.
I hate Rupert and his News Corp, but he has a point. 
Anyway, this is what Rupert said about the group. From LA Times, (("Watch Katie Holmes & Scientology story. Something creepy, maybe even evil, about these people," Murdoch, the chairman and chief executive of News Corp. tweeted Sunday morning. ))
And, coming from a creepy old man that has his organization spying on people, that's saying a lot. It will be interesting to see if Murdoch will have to apologize for making that comment. Keep in mind they can make it difficult to make movies for him. And, he has a few key news people that are members of the Space Church. (Greta Van Susteren)
Is he really prepared for a boycott and full blown attack from these people?

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