Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hawaii 5-0 Loves Subway!

How much did Subway pay for this ad within the Hawaii 5-0 show?
I saw this on Reddit and couldn't believe my eyes and ears. Placing products into movies and films is fine, but to have a character stop the flow of the story to talk about a certain product is down right low. Did the Subway guys write that portion of the script or did they just send a memo?
Oh, and make sure you get all the subway logos into each shot from close ups to long shots. Oh, boy. Did this even needed to be shoved into the story? Nope, but this is another reason I've stopped watching most network TV shows.
I half expected Jared from Subway to pop his head in for a moment.   Maybe he did and I didn't see it.  
Anyway, this post is brought to you by Grizzlebees!


  1. Wow, that's a new low for Subway. I used to think their "Wrap, wrap, wrap it up!" commercials were the worst, but having Subway invade primtime TV is way worse.

  2. Now, that I've thought about it more, I hate what they did even more.

    And, I am fine with product placement, because a lot of fake brands in movies are more distracting than the real stuff, but stopping a show to have a character talk about the company and sandwiches is wrong.

    I am surprised we haven't heard anything from Subway or the network
