Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Madonna’s playlist for the Super Bowl performance

Madonna’s playlist has been released for her Super Bowl performance.
With the exception of two songs, I am fine with the list.  It is pretty much her 80s and early 90s songs.  I was hopping she would stay away from her Euro-DJ techno music stuff that dominated her later career.  We want to hear her old stuff.  

"Gimme All Your Luvin" (Madonna, Nicki Minaj, M.I.A): This is one her new songs.  I was never fan of her hardcore hip-hop stuff from the late 2000s, but I guess having MIA and Minaj in her song will get young people to tune in. I am no sure what MIA has to bring to the song though.
"Ray of Light" (Madonna):  Yeah, this is one of those annoying techno songs that drew me away from her music, but her music video was okay.  It does have a poppy feel to it. 
"Vogue" (Madonna):  This is a strong song with that supports her heavy voice.  I know it has been parodied a lot over the years, but I like it, but I don’t love the song.
"Music" (Madonna):  Yeah, this is part of her techno age, but this song is sort of a throwback to her early stuff with some hip hop beats thrown in for good measure.  I like the 90s feel of the music behind her song. 
"Holiday" (Madonna):  Now, this is my favorite Madonna song.  It is upbeat and fun.  It is a nice way to end the concert. 

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