Monday, January 30, 2012

Megan Fox Island (no Smoke Monster in sight)

 Finally, Megan Fox chooses a good Megan Fox Island.
An Island of Megan Foxes, and no one to talk to them. Did they tap into my dreamworld via that Inception machine?
Since Jennifer’s Body, I haven't thought she's picked the right roles or has even bothered showing up for movies. And, to be fair, she's not doing much today. You don't piss off one of the biggest producers in the world.
I guess Michael Bay didn't direct this ad, despite it looking like a Bay ad.
Plus, you can't go wrong with Mike Tyson Island. Now, that was funny. I have no idea what this tribe of Tyson will do to the boys.
I did a little digging and found this on The Huffington Post, ((In an ad for the Brazilian-based language school CCAA shot in Oxnard, California, Megan Fox greets two non-English speaking guys who get washed up on a distant island with the words, "Welcome to Megan Fox Island." ))
So, this is promotional ad is to get more people from Brazil to learn English. What better way than a million Megan Foxes.

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