Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Blogging Love

Blogging Love
I was checking my stats via Blogger and noticed I was getting a lot of hits from Reddit. It was my post about the two Vivian actors from The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. The page has gotten around 2,432 pageviews. Within the Fresh Prince reunion photo comment section, someone left a link to my story. That's pretty cool.
The second blogging love I received was through I got a link shout out on their Worst Action Figures From Iconic Toy Lines post. It was the William The Refrigerator Perry post I wrote earlier this year. I was really thrilled with the little shoutout from Cracked, because I really like that site.
And, since we're wrapping up (warp?) another, I like to think to thank everyone for reading my blog. I hope to have more entertaining content next year.  

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