Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Batman Returns

Batman Returns

Ah, this is Tim Burton’s art movie with Batman having a cameo in it.  It is so dark and dreary without a strong plot.  Burton has always been weak on plot.  He is style over substance. 
Why does Catwoman have cat powers?  She was just a normal cat burglar in the comics and the cartoon show.  
I just wished Burton would have left out Batman altogether and made his freaky little gothic movie, but this isn’t a Batman movie.  Batman Forever is more of a Batman movie than this dreary piece of film. 

To be fair, Elfman’s score for “Returns” is very good.  


  1. There are many issues with this film, but I like to think the casting was done excellently for the villians.

    One of my first memories of Christopher Walken is from this movie.

  2. Walken ruled in that movie. He actually outshines the other two villains. He really did do an outstanding job in the movie.

    I read that they orignally had Oswald (penguin) and walken's characters being brothers. Which would have made the movie a little better.
